
M. Solomon Azoh-Mbi a rejoint le ministère des Relations extérieurs du Cameroun en tant que diplomate de carrière en 1985. Il a occupé diverses fonctions dans ce ministère jusqu’en 1988, lorsqu’il est nommé Chef de service adjoint chargé des visites officielles au Département du Protocole au Cabinet civil de la Présidence. Entre 1991 et 1995, il est attaché au Secrétariat général de la Présidence, puis chargé de mission, où il agissait comme conseiller diplomatique principal du Président. De 2004 à 2008, il a été président du conseil d’administration de l’École nationale d’administration et de magistrature (ENAM) de Yaoundé.

En 2008, il a été nommé Haut-Commissaire du Cameroun au Canada, à Cuba et en Jamaïque, avec résidence à Ottawa. Depuis 2021, il est Haut-Commissaire du Cameroun en Afrique du Sud.






Paula studied at the American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ) where she completed High School and obtained the International Baccalaureate in June 2024. She looks forward to reading Law at the University of Pretoria in South Africa in the new academic year. Paula took up her mother’s seat on the board when she turned 18.






Le Dr. Jay Nfonoyim est directeur de programme, chef du service de soins intensifs et de médecine clinique à la Richmond University Medical Center, et professeur adjoint de médecine clinique au New York Medical College. Il a également été directeur de l’unité de soins intensifs de traumatologie chirurgicale au centre hospitalier d’Elmhurst et professeur adjoint de chirurgie à la faculté de médecine de Mt. Sinai Medical School. Il possède près de quatre décennies d’expérience dans le domaine de la médecine. Ses domaines d’expertise sont l’embolie pulmonaire à selle, l’emphysème et l’angioplastie. Il est affilié à de nombreux hôpitaux de New York, notamment le Richmond University Medical Center et le Staten Island University Hospital.

Il a étudié à l’Universidad Tecnologica De Santiago et a suivi une formation en soins intensifs à l’Icahn School of Medicine à Mt. Sinai. Il est membre de l’American Board of Internal Medicine.


Secrétaire et directeur général

Paul held various positions in industry (translator, product manager, recruiting and training manager) until 1995 before founding STF Traducation, a language services firm that provides translation and language training services to government and corporate clients. He studied concurrently at Keele University and University of London, as well as Université de Montréal and McGill University. A committed community servant, Paul was president of the  Goodwill Association in 2005 and 2006, president of the Association of Cameroonians in Canada (ACC) from 2008 to 2010 and is currently a co-chair of the Sasse Alumni Association. He has also served as a big brother for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Montreal. Paul is a member of the Ordre de traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec.



Ntaribo is a career diplomat. He currently serves as Director of Protocol, Ceremonies and Consular Affairs at the Ministry of External Relations in Yaounde, Cameroon. Prior to this appointment, he served as First Secretary at the Cameroon High Commission in Ottawa, and as deputy to the head of cabinet for Chantal Biya, Cameroon’s First Lady, at the Circle of Friends of Cameroon, a charitable organization initiated by Cameroon’s first lady. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Private Law from University of Yaounde and a doctorat de troisième cycle in International Relations from the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC).






An award-winning celebrant and storyteller, Alisa is an everyday philanthropist and ordained minister who brings the Aloha Spirit everywhere she goes. She is also the founder of the Bacon & Lox Society, a creative collective and celebration congregation, and a former Director of the MIT Freshman/Alumni Summer Internship Program. Whether it’s creating a new food + wine festival to rebrand a region, championing fresher food in school cafeterias, serving on the board of a pediatric cancer charity or fundraising for her local non-profit hospital, Alisa uses her 20+ years experience of event planning, fundraising and community relations to make a lasting impact. She enjoys a reputation for creating community through her speaking engagements, the ceremonies she performs and the events she creates.



An ordained minister, Denise pastors Gloucester Presbyterian Church in Ottawa, thanks to which she keeps discovering God’s deep compassion for people and their neighbourhoods. Earlier, she served six years as Director of Communications for Fidus Systems, an electronic design services company. Through her own business, Dynamic Writing, Denise provided training and communications consulting services to government agencies, corporate, and non-profit clients across Canada. She has served on the boards of The Presbyterian College, Montreal, and The Canadian Bible Society. Denise studied at Carleton University, Ottawa; McGill University, Montreal; and the Montreal School of Theology. She and her husband, Allen, have two children and six grandchildren. She enjoys wilderness canoeing, cross-country skiing, cycling, and hiking.